Zero Tolerance


The USA Hockey Board of Directors has developed a Zero Tolerance Policy regarding the verbal abuse of officials and inappropriate spectator behavior. This Zero Tolerance Policy has been unanimously endorsed by the Youth, Junior, and Senior Councils, the District Referees-In-Chief, and the Coaching Education Program Directors for immediate implementation have unanimously endorsed this Zero Tolerance Policy.

To make ice hockey a more desirable and rewarding experience for all participants, the USA Hockey Board of Directors has instructed the Officiating Program to adhere to certain points of emphasis relating to sportsmanship. These points were written and implemented to maintain a sportsmanlike and educational atmosphere before, during and after all USA Hockey sanctioned games. This includes parking lots for the rink. 


 A minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct (Zero Tolerance) shall be assessed whenever a player:

  • Openly disputes or argues about any decision by an Official.
  • Uses obscene or vulgar language, including swearing, in a boisterous manner to anyone at any time, even if it is not directed at any particular person.
  • Visually demonstrates any sign of dissatisfaction with any Official's decision, in a manner that openly embarrasses the Official and/or challenges his judgment.

Any time that any player persists in any of these actions, he/she shall be assessed a Misconduct Penalty. A Game Misconduct shall result if such player continues.


A Bench Minor penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct (Zero Tolerance) shall be assessed whenever a coach:

  • Openly disputes or argues about any decision by an Official.
  • Uses obscene or vulgar language in a boisterous manner to anyone at any time.
  • Visually displays any sign of dissatisfaction with an Official's decision, in a manner that openly
  • embarrasses the Official and/or challenges his judgment. This includes standing on the boards or standing in the bench doorway with the intent of inciting the Officials, players, or spectators.

Any time that a Coach persists in any of these actions, he/she shall be assessed a Game Misconduct Penalty.


Officials must apply these guidelines in a realistic manner and must be careful not to get overly technical in their enforcement. This policy is designed to eliminate direct confrontations with Officials while still allowing players and coaches an avenue to communicate in a calm and reasonable fashion.

Officials are required to conduct themselves in a businesslike, sportsmanlike, and non-vindictive manner at all times. The actions of an Official must be above reproach. Actions such as "baiting" or inciting players or coaches are strictly prohibited. On ice officials are ambassadors of the game and shall always conduct themselves with this responsibility in mind.


On-ice officials will stop the game when the parents/spectators displaying inappropriate and disruptive behavior interfere with other spectators or participants of the game. The on-ice officials will identify violators to the coaches for the purpose of removing parents/spectators from the spectators viewing and game area. Once removed, play will resume. Lost time will not be replaced and violators may be subject to further disciplinary action by the local governing body. This inappropriate and disruptive behavior shall include:

  • Using obscene or vulgar language in a boisterous manner to anyone at any time.
  • Taunting players, coaches, officials or other spectators by means of baiting, ridiculing, threatening physical violence, or physical violence.
  • Throwing any object in the spectators viewing area, players' bench, penalty box, or the on-ice surface, that in any manner creates a safety hazard.

Any violators will be escorted from the facility and not allowed to return until the next day. In addition to the USA Hockey sanctions the Blues Hockey Club has implemented the following rules:


If any player receives a game misconduct for Zero Tolerance abuse of an Official, we as an organization will add a one (1) game suspension to the one (1) game suspension the player is already serving. If there is a second offense of the same nature, that player will be suspended for an additional three (3) games. A third offense will result in the player being suspended for the Blues and will not be permitted to play again for the Blues until such player applies for reinstatement before the Board of Directors.

If any player receives a gross misconduct penalty, then the player will receive from the Blues an additional three (3) game suspension. A second offense will result in that player being suspended from the Blues and will not be permitted again for the Blues until such player applies for reinstatement before the Board of Directors.

All above violations have a right of appeal through the Blues.


First Zero Tolerance offense will result in a thirty (30) day suspension. Second offense will result in a sixty (60) day suspension and a third offense will result in a suspension from the Blues. They will not be permitted to return until they apply for readmission to the club thru the Board of Directors. To clarify suspension, we mean you will not be able to watch your child skate at all.

That includes all practices, practice games, league games and tournaments. All above violations have a right of appeal thru Blues. Every skater and each of their parents must sign a Zero Tolerance Policy Statement (See Appendix). It confirms that they have read and agree with the policy. Skaters are not allowed to participate in league or practice games until they and their parents have signed zero tolerance statements.


The following rules have been implemented for all ice hockey games played in the State of Illinois during the 2005-06 season. All USA Hockey registered teams (whether registered with AHAI or not) must abide by these additional penalties: A. In regards to Rule 613 - Fisticuffs (Fighting) of the official Playing Rules of USA Hockey, the following addition has been imposed on all games under the jurisdiction of AHAI: Any player who is assessed a penalty for fisticuffs under Rule 613 shall be suspended for the next three (3) games of that team not including the game in which the penalty was assessed. Any player, coach, team, manager, association, club or individual violating this Rule shall be referred to the AHAI Rules & Ethics Committee and/or AHAI Suspension Committee for disciplinary action. Any team participating in a league based outside Illinois, or, any other Illinois team participating in a game outside the State of Illinois, shall follow regular USA Hockey Rules and/or the Rules of the Affiliate/Federation, and/or tournament rules they are playing that game within. These penalties supercede the USA Hockey Playing Rules (2005-07 edition).


The Chicago Blues Hockey Club subscribes to the following "24 Hour Rule" policy with regard to the reporting of a complaint or issue of concern. Please keep the intent of this rule in mind. The intent is not to discourage discussion, but to impose a period to allow emotions to cool and to allow a civil conversation to occur.

  1. There shall be no contact with any member of the coaching staff regarding an issue of concern before, during or after a hockey game for a 24 hour period following the occurrence of an issue of concern.
  2. Should there be an issue of concern after the 24 hour period has passed, the parent shall contact the TEAM MANAGER and schedule a meeting or discussion which may be documented and attended by the manager and coaching staff. The meeting shall be confidential and should the coaching staff feel the manager's attendance improper, they shall utilize the assistant coaches to document the meeting. These documents shall be maintained by the coach for future reference should the need arise.
  3. Should satisfaction not be accomplished by the meeting, a Blues Hockey Director shall be notified and meet with the parties and reporting to the coaching committee or board of directors based on the need.
  4. Should the matter be unresolved after the coach and directors meetings, the board of directors shall be notified and will schedule a meeting or respond in writing based on the complaint content. Should this rule be violated, the suspension under the ZERO TOLERANCE policy is 30 days.

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